Dallas County Council of Republican Women

The Dallas County Council of Republican Women (DCCRW) is a network of the eight Dallas County-based Republican Women's clubs. Structurally, each club and DCCRW itself are members of the Texas Federation of Republican Women, which is a member of the National Federation of Republican Women. Each club member is included and represented in both the Texas and National Federations—among the largest grassroots political organizations in the country.
DCCRW is committed to:
· Promoting the Republican Party and its candidates in Dallas County,
· Drawing new voters—particularly women—into the Republican Party, and
· Empowering and mobilizing Republican women to be more effective in the political process.
Operationally, we endeavor to support the individual clubs and to unite the clubs by:
· Spearheading Republican campaign events of county-wide impact,
· Offering educational events of interest to all the clubs,
· Promoting key events of the individual clubs,
· Providing useful information, particularly from the federations and the county and state-level Republican Party, and
· Championing good citizenry through awareness and community service initiatives in which all the clubs participate.
While DCCRW operates differently than the individual clubs, our ultimate purpose is the same—electing Republicans for the cause of good government.
Members of each federated Republican Women's club in Dallas County, and their guests, are encouraged to participate in DCCRW general meetings, workshops, and events. We urge every Republican woman in Dallas County to join one of the clubs and become part of our network to stay informed and to help elect Republicans. We encourage our men to join our clubs as associate members as well to support our common cause!
President: Ann Slagel
VP Programs: Ellen Thielen
Treasurer: Kerry Gaines
Secretary: Sandy Smith
Benefactors: Tina Yampanis
Communications: Marty Forte'
Hospitality: Mary Brooks
Legislative: Cindy Clendenen
Political Affairs: Deb Spitzer
Chaplain: Sharon Bolan
Immediate Past President: Shelly Akerly